Faithful to its nomadic tradition, the 10th Xarkis Festival will move to Kornos, a mountainous village renowned for its red clay pottery in the district of Larnaca, Cyprus. The artists’ residency will be held from the 1st until the 12th of October and the Festival from the 13th-15th of October 2023.
As with every festival, we can’t be able to pull it off without a dedicated team of staff. We are searching for driven professionals to help make it happen and make sure everything runs smoothly at Xarkis Festival.
Each staff member will be assigned a position based on their experience and available time. The categories of staff fall under these categories:
JOB DESCRIPTION – Responsibilities
- Recommending the bar crew based on budget and needs, in order to create the bar team, upon approval from the director and production team.
- Producing a bar order that falls within the Festival’s budget and keeping track of bar inventory.
- Editing the Excel sheet with all bartenders incl. contact details, arrival times, shifts, needs, etc and sharing this with the team.
- Coordinating the bar team and briefing its members about the tasks, menu etc.
- Collecting materials, ingredients, drinks, beverages and tools needed for the bar ahead the Festival at a period that will be agreed internally.
- Creating a bar menu, with signature cocktail(s) (maximum 3) for Xarkis Festival 2023, and organizing tasting and meeting(s) with the bar crew.
- Communicating the menu to the communication team and graphic designer, so that it can be used as part of social media 🙂
- Counting all the drinks and beverages and keeping a written account of this.
- Ensuring drinks and beverages are stored in a safe, cool place and setting up fridges for this purpose wherever applicable.
- Monitoring food and beverage stock and helping restock when necessary.
- Organizing the punctual transportation of materials, bar components and collaborators from cities to the village of the Festival and back.
- Welcoming the bartenders at Xarkis Festival 2023.
- Maintaining a positive atmosphere for customers, answering questions and solving problems wherever necessary.Keeping vouchers in a safe space until handed down back to the designated members of the production team.
- Bar leader is responsible for providing an agreed number of vouchers to artists, volunteers and anyone that is to be shown by the project leader
- Taking invoices for any payments due in communication with the production and funding coordinators at the end of the festival and sending them to the assigned production coordinator of Xarkis.
- When the Festival is over, recounting drinks and beverages and sharing this with 2 members from the team (TBA) with a detailed evaluation after the event and returning drinks and beverages wherever applicable to the collaborators as agreed in the team.
Period: October 12th-15th Kornos with preparation from September 2023 in Kornos
Payment: 600 euros plus meals, accommodation and petrol during this period, based on the distance covered (km).
JOB DESCRIPTION – Responsibilities
- Presenting beverage menus to customers and making accurate recommendations and answering questions from customers relating to drinks and beverages, and recommending the signature cocktail to them.
- Checking the age of customers to ensure each customer is eligible to take the drink they ordered and take orders from the customers.
- Taking orders from the bar leader with regards to customer treatment and service.
- Keeping an accurate record of drinks into the register system under the supervision of the bar leader.
- Preparing, mixing and serving drinks and beverages in accordance to standard recipes (including fresh non-alcoholic beverages and alcoholic drinks).
- Serving mixed and garnished cocktails as requested by the customers in exchange for coupons, ensuring knowledge of coupon allocation in response to each type of drink.
- Also serving snacks to customers on request TBA Attending questions from customers in a friendly and professional manner. Preparing receipts for customers.
- Ensuring that the drinking area is well cleaned and conducive for customers’ relaxation. This requires strict compliance to relevant health, safety, and hygiene standards and policies.
- Balancing accounts at the beginning and end of every shift.
- Monitoring inventory of drinks in the bar and restocking the bar with ingredients, drinks, beverages, snacks and disposables whenever necessary. Keeping the bar surface clean and tidying up counters, removing unwanted bottles and glasses.
- Cleaning up used glasses after use by customers as well as removing ashtrays used for smoking by customers.
- Bar team must demonstrate capacity to work quickly and methodically, in a fast-paced and high adrenaline Festival environment
Period: October 13th-15th in Kornos, with a tasting and training day in September 2023 date and location TBA.
Payment: 8 euros per hour, plus meals, accommodation and petrol during this period, based on the distance covered (km)
JOB DESCRIPTION – Responsibilities
- Contributing towards the selection of appropriate cashiers that can manage the welcome desks and cashier points of the Festival.
- Attending at least two group meetings before the Festival, where each cashier and welcome desk person is to be welcomed and familiarized with each activity that will take place at the festival, whilst being in a comfortable position to explain what it is about.
- Creating and organizing the cashiers, shifts and programmes through the Excel sheet five weeks in advance.
- Being responsible for cashiers’ punctuality, in ways that they adhere to the program, that they have support and supervision (wherever needed) to complete their tasks, and that the team works in a safe, clean and friendly environment.
- Responsibility for coordinating all cashiers and welcoming at Xarkis Festival 2023.
- Managing funds, proper counting and safekeeping of money in the cashiers, before, during and after the event.
- Providing guidance, support, resources and communication tools for the Festival’s cashiers and people in the reception.
- Providing information on the values of the Festival and its promotion to the general public for people who will carry out transactions at reception points.
- Cooperating and consulting with the responsible volunteers and those who are responsible for hospitality, as part of the welcome desk.
- Setting up a merchandise desk and preparing the catalog with the prices. Keeping written track of how many products have been catalogued and how many have been sold. Restocking products wherever needed and promoting merchandise to guests.
Period: October 12th-15th Kornos with preparation from September 2023 in Kornos
Payment: 600 euros plus meals, accommodation and petrol during this period, based on the distance covered (km)
JOB DESCRIPTION – Responsibilities
- Responsible for counting the contents of the cash register drawer at the end of each shift, maintaining receipts, records, and withdrawals.
- Working under the guidance of the assigned cashier coordinator and with the instructions delivered, in a fast-paced and high adrenalin Festival environment.
- Primary job functions do not typically require exercising independent judgment. Abides by pre-established guidelines to perform the functions of the job.
- Checking alignment of tickets by visitors. purchase of a one-day or three-day ticket by visitors. Setting up and close down the cash registers before and after the specified hours.t
- Setting up and closing the merchandise table. Being aware of the prices and assisting guests with inquiries. Being sure that they have enough money at the cash/merchandise desk.
- Receiving the amount of money from guests and exchanging them for the festival tokens.
Cashiers will work on split shifts up to eight hours each day.
Payment: 8 euros per hour plus meals, accommodation and petrol during this period, based on the distance covered (km)
JOB DESCRIPTION – Responsibilities
- Responsible for ensuring that Xarkis Festival 2023 runs smoothly from a technical standpoint.
- Drafting a Festival tool kit list in consultation with other coordinators, purchasing or borrowing all items for the duration of the event
- Writing an inventory of this tool kit and having the responsibility to return items to owners in original condition
- Creating an excel sheet with a programme outlining the needs for technical setups
- Supporting the artists for any setup e.g. stage set up live film screening, music concert etc and providing technical support for artists and members of the curatorial team, in the set up of all productions from a technical standpoint.
- Decide on the designated warehouse space to safeguard equipment, and festival materials
- During the Festival, to keep all equipment under this category in a safe and secure space
- Maintenance of the sites, setting up and handling of the equipment
- Setting up soft spaces, tents, and coordinating the camping area under the guidance of the space curator and production coordinator
- Sharing knowledge of techniques and handicrafts involved in preventive maintenance, cleanliness and construction
- Having a festival toolkit in a safe and secure space and helping residents, workshop facilitators and musicians to set up their work
- Ensuring technical needs are written, recorded and are met on time, holistically, for different facets of the festival. This includes for example access to electricity for stands, welcome desks, food vendors, as well as setting up tents for shade and tables, and providing support for the set up and putting down of structures, in collaboration with the production team and space curator.
- Ensuring that all processes and procedures are followed according to XF 2023 standards.
- Coordinating with other departments to ensure that projects meet their deadlines and budgets.
- Handling customer service issues for the department by scheduling appointments, answering questions about products and services, and resolving concerns.
- Coordinating with vendors to ensure that all equipment materials are available when needed.
- Providing support to employees/artists who use the equipment or software they are supporting. Troubleshooting problems with equipment to identify solutions.
Period: 12-16th October, with one-day involvement between the 5-11th October 2023.
in Kornos
Payment: 600 euros
Responsibilities include:
- To deliver up to 10-15 photos a day during the Multi-residency programme that can be used for social media dissemination
- To take individual portraits of the team alongside a team photo
- To document different aspects of the Multi-residency programme, including work in progress, experiments, research, practice, event spaces and results
- To create and propose a documentation schedule, where different participants including artists, organizers, volunteers and locals whom we are collaborating with can be documented
- Ensuring all public-facing Festival events are documented and to submit between 700 to 1,000 edited pics from the three day festival
Payment: 175 per day for 13th-14th-15th October
100 euros per day for residency period 1-12th October
Responsibilities include:
- To deliver 10-15 video reels (edited- either one shot or multiple shots)) a day during the Multi-residency programme that can be used for social media dissemination
- To document different aspects of the Multi-residency programme, including work in progress, experiments, research, practice, event spaces and results and create a highlights film after the Festival
- To create and propose a documentation schedule, where different participants including artists, organizers, volunteers and locals whom we are collaborating with can be documented
- Ensuring all public-facing Festival events are documented
- Interviewing artists, locals and guests. Creative director and production coordinators will show who should be interviewed.
- Deliverables: Highlights video up to one month after the festival
Payment: 175 per day for 13th-14th-15th October
80-100 euros per day for residency period 1-12th October
JOB DESCRIPTION – Responsibilities
- Involves creating opportunities for connection and engagement during the Festival, as well as developing existing forms of community engagement and outreach, and fostering relationships between the actors involved and affected by the project. This includes: Festival team members in their team, the hosting community (Kornos) and surrounding communities (Larnaca district), the temporary communities that form during the period of the residency and festival (2 weeks) meaning artists, curators, educators, members of the local community, production team, volunteers and other invited experts that the project will bring together, alongside visitors/participants.
- In this respect, maintaining positive relationships in both geographical and temporary communities that form, as well as boosting our outreach, which can be achieved in consultation with the marketing and social media coordinator and with the creative direction and production lead becomes part of the ambassador’s main role
- During the Festival, this person will lead the invigilation team and contribute to this team, which involves supervising and taking care of the works produced as part of the programme, alongside exhibitions, workshops and performances (music/sound, performance art, dance, movement etc).
- Creating a positive, engaging and insightful Festival experience for participants. In this case, the participants will be responsible for explaining to people what the projects/artworks and pieces are about, as well as sharing information about the biographies and concept notes of actors involved, including artists, educators, curatorial team and other collaborators, while sharing information about theFestivalas a whole, with attention to detail and sensitivity as to the nuances of each piece of work, through their insights and effective communication of information.
- Community ambassadors need to wear a distinctive bracelet/t-shirt/ tag so that guests and artists can find them easily.
- The Community ambassador is called to direct participants from the welcome desk to the activities they would like to visit, ensuring there is enough communication about what activity takes place where. In this respect they will be responsible for welcoming participants to the Festival, while ensuring their clear navigation
Period: 12-15th October
in Kornos
Payment: 500 Euros
Community Curator
At Xarkis we have a passion for equality and inclusiveness. We want to be flexible in structure and how programs are assimilated into the local context. To create the feeling of “community” when preparing a festival, we usually look for the “sources of knowledge” in each region. From mouth-to-mouth we learn what the talents of each region are and what special characteristics each community has that deserve to be represented in our program.
We will select a person from the community who will have the opportunity to curate 1-3 actions at the festival, regardless of previous relevant experience, under our guidance.
Specifically, we will invite this person to partner with us from the beginning (pre-production stage) to the end of the festival. Our aim is to involve this person at least 2 months before the event and visit together art exhibitions, performance works, theatrer events and other cultural actions that can be a stimulus, cultivate creativity and critical thinking around contemporary art , socially applied art and design.
Secondly, it should be discussed and defined (after dialogue and identification of common interests), the kind of experience we want to curate in collaboration with the community and the result we want to have. We need to think about how to create a joyful and festive experience that is suitable not only for the arts world, but also for the people in the area (eg families, seniors, children, etc.) A separate goal is the promotion (stimulation) of a new way of thinking.
Period: 13-15th October with preparation from August 2023.
Payment: 500 euros
Please contact us at info@xarkis.org with an expression of interest and a relevant CV and let’s get to know each other!