Xarkis (est. 2013) started off as a social experiment to test ideas of self-sufficiency, DIY practices and resilience, exploring communal identities in the midst of the global economic crisis which climaxed in Cyprus in 2013. 10 years down the line, in a post-pandemic era within which we are still undergoing various crises, we are revisiting the relevance of such principles.
The idea for the creation of this Non-Profit Organisation came from the need to develop initiatives that embrace and strengthen local culture through research, experimentation and multi-modal projects in highly participatory settings. Since 2013, Xarkis (translated from ancient Greek “eks’ arhis” = meaning, from the beginning) has been established as a cultural NGO that works with socially engaged and participatory art and design practices, with a strong interest in the natural, social and human heritage and its influences on local societies.
Following years of exploration of cypriotness through site-specific and socially engaged methodologies, Xarkis has developed a distinct understanding of the Cypriot topos, cypriotness in community.
We are now continuing our local work whilst connecting with other actors and organisations internationally, to develop our collaborative practice and expand our outreach and impact.